Episode 13

013 - Getting race-ready

In this episode, we talk all about that important race preparation - yes, It's hard to believe, but we are finally racing again!... well, some of us. Matt talks Neil through how he should be preparing for his upcoming half Ironman in Estonia. We go into detail about what training you should be doing, nutrition, equipment set-up, and even how to tackle breakfast on the morning of the race.


About the Podcast

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T1 triathlon podcast
An hour of humour in a lifestyle of pain. Join Neil and Matt, age-group ironman racers as they decode the sport for rookies and fuel the passion of seasoned pros

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About your hosts

Profile picture for Matt Warnock

Matt Warnock

Matt spent his younger years swimming competitively, before applying the same levels of dedication to boozing in his twenties. He now has a decade of experience as a triathlon participant, coach and fanboy. He lives in the Dutch province of Brabant with his extremely patient wife and three sometimes-adorable kids.

Rides: Canyon Speedmax (Tri); Radon Valiant (Road); Radon Skeen (MTB); NS Rag+1 (Gravel)

Currently training for: First 200km marathon MTB race in December
Profile picture for Neil Smith

Neil Smith

At the age of 5 Neil got his first bike. At the age of 13, Neil had his first taste of alcohol... and so it continued until he was around 35, almost every weekend... the drinking alcohol that is 😊 (with a bit of cycling in between). Eventually, he decided enough was enough, stopped partying, trained harder and has been loving triathlon and endurance events since. The highlight being an Ultramarathon in the forest and Challenge Roth full-distance triathlon. He lives in Amsterdam with his girlfriend, son and dog.

Rides: Canyon Aeroad (Road); Kuota Kharma (Road); Canyon Ultimate (Road); Canyon Exceed (MTB); Scott Scale 50 (MTB); Canyon Grizl (Gravel)

Currently training for: Ironman-Europe-Somewhere